PennyFix logo with the words Spay & Neuter Saves Lives

Prevent Overpopulation, Protect Every Pet

Spaying and neutering saves lives, prevents suffering, reduces shelter overcrowding, and strengthens communities—one pet at a time

Our Mission and Vision

The mission of PennyFix is to provide funding for free spay/neuter services for cats and dogs in every county, municipality, and township nationwide.

The vision of PennyFix is to eliminate overpopulation through a program financed by pet owners, pet lovers, and the pet industry through donations.

PennyFix is 100% Volunteer! 100% of donations go toward our spay and neuter grants and all overhead costs are paid out of pocket. Meet our board members!


PennyFix is a registered 501c3 charity and donations are tax deductible. Donate via Paypal or mail donations to PO Box 6356 Harrisburg, PA 17112.

Apply for a Grant!

If you represent a spay and neuter organization, rescue, or clinic, take the first steps in applying for a grant by filling out the form here.

Our grants are currently up to $2000 and as soon as donations are received, the next organizations are approved.

Please note: Grants are limited to one per organization at this time.

Join Us!!!

We need your help to make this a success across the entire United States. Together, we can make a difference!  We are collecting names to show the pet food companies that we have support from pet owners in the United States.
Like a petition, all we will display on our site is your first name, last initial, and location. (Example: William F., PA)

We will not share your information with anyone else.

PennyFix Petition

Download the PennyFix Petition and have your friends and family sign it to show their support of PennyFix!  Email it or mail it back to us.

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